I have amended my reading list a bit, some are now done and a some new have been added.
"Thinking fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman
"Explore It" by Elisabeth Hendrickson
"Agile Management 3.0" by Jurgen Appelo
"Tab into Mobile application testing" by Jonathan Kohl
"Are your lights on" by Gerald M Weinberg and Donald C . Gause
"Trust and betrayal in the workplace"by Dennis Reina and Michelle Reina
"The black swan" by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
"How to solve it" G. Polya
"Discover to deliver" ?
"How to measure everything"
"Sparks of genius" by ROber and Michele Root-Bernstein
"Gut feelings" Gerd Gigerenzer
"Adaptive thinking" Gerd Gigerenzer
"Impact Mapping" by Gojko Adzic
"Agile Test" by Lisa Crispin and Janet Gregory
A couple of blogs and websites worth visiting:
satisfice.com by James Bach
developsense.com/ by Michael Bolton
http://happytesting.wordpress.com/ by Sigurdur Birgisson
http://theadventuresofaspacemonkey.blogspot.com by Sami Söderblom
http://www.huibschoots.nl/wordpress/ by Huib Schoots
Tab into moil application testing = Tap into mobile application testing
SvarSlet"Trust and betrail in the workplace" ? - Repeated
Are your lights on - Repeated
Thanks for sharing the books, few i havent heard.
Corrected :-)
SletDet är "Appelo", och inte "Appolo". Jag vet att Jurgen ska uppskatta korrigeringen. :)